Primary congenital hypothyroidism(先天性甲状腺功能低下)



基因 TPO 与疾病


基因名称基因全名基因位置外显子个数 CDS长度
TPO thyroid peroxidase 2p25 15 约2537 bp
基因摘要 This gene encodes a membrane-bound glycoprotein. The encoded protein acts as an enzyme and plays a central role in thyroid gland function. The protein functions in the iodination of tyrosine residues in thyroglobulin and phenoxy-ester formation between pairs of iodinated tyrosines to generate the thyroid hormones, thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Mutations in this gene are associated with several disorders of thyroid hormonogenesis, including congenital hypothyroidism, congenital goiter, and thyroid hormone organification defect IIA. Multiple transcript variants encoding distinct isoforms have been identified for this gene, but the full-length nature of some variants has not been determined. [provided by RefSeq, May 2011].